“I paint with images and memories from my mind. I express things as they appear to me. My paintings are an extract of action, energy and motion. I paint oils with the palette knife, a style I like because it is challenging. I like painting wet as it allows me to create motion in my paintings. Most of my compositions are a creation of imagination, memories and places I have traveled."
Born on the Caribbean Island of Grenada, West Indies, Joachim McMillan is a self-taught artist. He began painting with watercolors and acrylics for galleries in Grenada and drew illustrations for two of Grenada's main newspapers as early as 15 years old. In his early 20s, McMillan migrated to New York City to study technology while continuing to explore different art techniques. McMillan is building an excellent artistic reputation locally in his current location of Oregon. He continues to perfect his painting style as an emerging artist.